Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 18- Walking Through The Dark Valley's

Even though I walk
   through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
   for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
   they comfort me.-- Psalm 23:4

I hope you'll forgive me. It's been awhile. But here I'm back... Day 18.

It's been an interesting journey so far, needless to say. As I sat here trying to come up with something to write that would make sense to you (since nothing in my mind makes sense to me right now...) the one thing, the only thing, I can truly say is...God is so mysterious.

And I love and hate that. That is the truth.

See, the past 18 days have been nothing short of revitalizing yet exhausting at the same time. Oxymoron at it's best. I've come to realize that even if I am not doing these 40 days perfectly, I am doing the foundational aspects with all the grace He gives me. And for some reason, it's left me so vulnerable and well, lonely.

But I guess when you set out to do things not of this kind of get left behind.

After Phase 1 of The Maker's Diet was completed the weekend after Easter, I honestly was a bit disappointed that the changes I was seeing...wasn't what I wanted to see or feel. I got frustrated with myself and tried to wrack my brain to reason what was going on.

No going back now right? So, I continued to press on....

Then He moved. He moved in my life in a subtle yet powerful He always does.

Since mid January, I had started treatment with a Wellness Chiropractor for several issues. I initially went in to just see what was up with the increasing numbness in my left leg. After X-Rays, it was revealed to me that it was more than just numbness that was going wrong. The arc in my neck (which is referred to as the Arc of Life in the Chiro World) was in fact GONE. Not only gone, but I had a -5 degree in my neck. Now, I won't steer too off topic but certainly will blog on this another day, but in plain english...that's bad news! 

Losing the arc in your neck results in a host of crazyness that can start to happen in your body like headaches, hormone imbalances, in-ability to absorb nutrients properly...the list goes on and on. Basically, you need that arc in your neck! Plain and simple.

So, fast forward, I get re- X-rayed this week to see where I am at so far and BAM! My neck is now a humble 10 degrees! A whole 15 degrees shift in the right direction since January. Pretty freakin' cool, if you ask me. 

Well, that had me thinking....

Sometimes we tend to look at our lives and see nothing happening. All the while, God is slowly changing us from the inside, whatever that may mean. I always have to remind myself...God is never early nor late. His timing is j u s t right.

I am still healing. Probably more on the inside than out...for now. Do I have goals? Yes. But now I gotta learn to let go and LET God. Because I am weak, and He is strong. This body belongs to him, and I choose to honor Him with it no matter what, however long it takes, and no matter what the world thinks...

I will keep walking through these dark valley's....knowing there is light at the end waiting for me.


  1. Erica-what beautiful insight! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to read, Lori! Really appreciate the feedback :)

  3. I'm glad your coming back into the arch. Thanks for reminding me that even though I can't see Him, he is there, working. You may not see God coming, but you darn sure know when He's been there! Keep up the good fight sister.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, Drew! I really appreciate it. And you are absolutely right...
