Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I Love About Summer--#SexyBack11 Update #2

Mmmmmmm.....Berries! And lot's of them...

If we are what we eat... I am a blueberry. Because that is all I have been eating...mostly in muffins though. So, that needs to stop! I've been on this muffin kick lately making gluten-free brown rice muffins from scratch. They are delicious, completely healthy, real food at its best kinda stuff but alas...too much of anything isn't good for you. (Insert dramatic sigh here)

So, #SexyBack11 Update comin' atcha!

Honestly...didn't bother stepping on a scale this week. I have a love-hate-mostly-hate relationship with my scale. week we shall be on speaking terms...hopefully. I've been loving reading everyone's updates and it seems a few of us have had our struggles...good news is we are all in this together. And health is a one step at a time thing kinda thing. Day by day. Sometimes...moment by moment.

Well, last week:

I conquered the real food part. (i.e Not processed, packaged foods...)
I started to get back to dancing! (but I need to do more of it...)


I can tell I didn't lose anything AND I picked up a nasty little habit that shall be quickly squashed!! .....((Whispers)) I had coffee everyday this week... *sighs*

I blame the late nights thus...lack of sleep.

Goodbye June, You were not my friend.

Hello, July. You will be awesome.

Until the next #SexyBack11 Update....

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. ~Hebrews 12:1

photo courtesy of: GraphicsHunt


  1. Story of my life about being on a muffin kick! :-P I love using brown rice flour too. And maple syrup is my favorite sweetener.

  2. Oh, I've been out of maple syrup for far too long! So I've been using bananas and applesauce (instead of grapeseed oil, I am out of that too, lol) Seems to work well! :)
