Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I Love About Summer--#SexyBack11 Update #2

Mmmmmmm.....Berries! And lot's of them...

If we are what we eat... I am a blueberry. Because that is all I have been eating...mostly in muffins though. So, that needs to stop! I've been on this muffin kick lately making gluten-free brown rice muffins from scratch. They are delicious, completely healthy, real food at its best kinda stuff but alas...too much of anything isn't good for you. (Insert dramatic sigh here)

So, #SexyBack11 Update comin' atcha!

Honestly...didn't bother stepping on a scale this week. I have a love-hate-mostly-hate relationship with my scale. week we shall be on speaking terms...hopefully. I've been loving reading everyone's updates and it seems a few of us have had our struggles...good news is we are all in this together. And health is a one step at a time thing kinda thing. Day by day. Sometimes...moment by moment.

Well, last week:

I conquered the real food part. (i.e Not processed, packaged foods...)
I started to get back to dancing! (but I need to do more of it...)


I can tell I didn't lose anything AND I picked up a nasty little habit that shall be quickly squashed!! .....((Whispers)) I had coffee everyday this week... *sighs*

I blame the late nights thus...lack of sleep.

Goodbye June, You were not my friend.

Hello, July. You will be awesome.

Until the next #SexyBack11 Update....

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. ~Hebrews 12:1

photo courtesy of: GraphicsHunt

Friday, June 24, 2011

I Am Women

That's what week one of #SexyBack11 has been about for me.  I've had an interesting week, to say the least. Circumstances have brought me to doubt certain things about me...certain people challenged my self worth and you know... I had two choices. Let it keep me down...or rise above.

I'm rising.

I came across a great anthem that I holding on to as I continue on this #SexyBack11 Health Challenge. It's a little diddy from a strong women named Jordin Sparks. If you haven't heard her new song, "I Am Women" you definitely need to check it out! (Especially if you are a women...) It's empowering, uplifting...and a great workout song!

So on to the update for week one... I've lost 2 lbs! And oddly enough, only exercised 2 days. (Will bust my behind this weekend, that's for sure!) My clothes are already feeling better and that's what I want to go by...not the scale.

It's nice...I am feeling more like myself every day. And I like that. :)

I am so thankful for this community of "Sexy Backer's", if I may oddly title us that. It's definitely keeping me in check and I look forward to keep pressing on!

What I am sticking to:  Real Food, Exercising at least 3 days a week and getting some good sleep!

Here's to Week 2! Let's do this....

Friday, June 17, 2011

We All Fall Down

         “…though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again…”
                                                                        Proverbs 24:16 
I got to believe that even the most perfect people have days they feel like...most imperfect (because really, who is perfect?!)
I got to believe that even professional basketball players don't play at the top of the game...all the time. 
And I got to believe that even the King of Pop messed up a dance step or two every now and again. 
What's my point? We all can't be perfect. Sometimes we do fall.

My passion has been to help people lead healthier, happier lives because when we feel our best, we be our best and do what we were created to do with vibrancy and all the skills God equipped us with! So when we neglect our health and put low on our list of things to do...we all fall down.
Situations, set backs, disappointments, bad habits and blah blah blah (insert excuse here)...just a series of not fun stuff has thrown me off my game. Guess it's ;) ...and I got to admit to you all.... I am not being my best so I have stepped back and stopped doing what I so claim to "passionately" do. 
I miss me. I haven't been me at all lately... And I need your help!
A big thing I've realized is that I know all the right things to do but I have no accountability, no partner(s)... I keep doing this health thing alone. And that is NOT how we are meant to do life. 
So, that's why I am thrilled to have discovered a great post on a awesome blog I keep up with called An Idol Heart. There is a movement getting started called The #SexyBack11 Health Challenge. (Love me some JT!)  Check it out >>here<< to read what it's all about!  
I'm excited to be apart of this community of awesome people and  hopefully get back to the women that was full of energy, joy and just a wee bit slimmer then the current me ;) 

My Goal: Lose 28 lbs by my 28th birthday (September 19th)
Anyone want to join me? :)
Photo by Red Bubble