Friday, May 4, 2012


"As humans, we're all hardwired for struggle. You're imperfect, you're hardwired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging. You're enough.

Perfect is status quo, unmoving, a boundary, stagnant, stubborn.

Imperfection is liquid, a movement away, a new way of looking, a development.

From imperfection comes new ideas, new words, new language, new vision, new ways of describing.

In the lens of perfection, we all look the same, we are all the same, we can say this is or this is not. Perfection is useless. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and as soon as it is beholden it falls from perfection-- somebody, somewhere will consider it hideous.

Perfection is nothing more than conforming to an IDEAL type. Ideals just happen to be created from imperfect humans.

HE is the only one who is truly perfect, but even He knew the beauty of imperfection when He created the earth and developed the people to live in it.

Perfection in our world is not real, it's not tangible.

Beauty is subjective, and is not nearly as closed or as confined as the term "perfection."

A bald headed cancer patient who develop spots on their skin, a three-legged dog who skirts around valiantly... it all can be considered beautiful because it's imperfect.

God created you, and you're beautiful because of it. "

Thank you for making me see myself in a whole new light 6 months ago. You are a greater blessing than I can possibly express. All I can simply say is...thank you for your unconditional love.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Working Out For A Purpose

There is the obvious reason we work out- to lose weight, right?

But other reasons might be to de-stress, get stronger, or just wanting to fit better in our clothes.

All of these are great reasons but underneath this all there has to be some driving force that must get us out of bed, off the couch and off our behinds. At the very core of us, what ultimately keeps us alive?

Our hearts.

Whether we know it or not, we bring this deeper core of meaning into everything we do and it all comes from that place in us. We long to nurture our physical, emotional and spiritual health, so that we can live and be the very best we were made to be.

An integrative physician, Tieraona Low Dog, MD, of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson, said in an article in Delicious Living, “When you make health the goal rather than viewing it as a resource, it’s easy to get stressed out, rigid, and narrow-minded. Health is what helps you live the life you want -- it’s a resource, not a destination.”

She is referring to the negative stress we bring to the act itself: working out.

Say you are exercising to get thinner. We beat ourselves up every day we are not thin enough (and let’s not even mention the pressure the media on us to be thin!) but in the process we are actually wearing ourselves down and letting it affect our mood. Who likes cranky people? I don’t.

Looking back on the resource-not-destination thought, let’s take it to the next level. If you are a believer that we are here for a purpose, and why wouldn’t we be? Then what better way to take care of our family, friends, community, jobs, so on and so forth than having the resource of our good health and wellness as the main ingredient of our drive to fulfill our purpose?

Those are some questions to ponder, indeed.

How we live in this world matters. Our attitudes towards our workouts is just one aspect of how we are in our lives that will pour over into all other aspects of our lives.

I am not talking about becoming Mother Theresa here but I am talking about the small things we do every day that will ultimately make a difference. If you think about it, our actions have the power to make the world a better or worse place. Look at how we treat people, for example.

Did you smile at the barista when you got your coffee this morning? Or were your thoughts fixated on the stresses that the day already held for you as you mindlessly paid for your drink and turned and walked away?

Remember the ripple effect. The energy we bring to our life affects those around us, and ripples outward. You know what I mean-- those people who make you feel awesome by just being around them. (...or vice-versa, those Debbie downers!)

When we are healthy and well nourished, we are much more likely to have that same positive energy to spread around.

That’s what our purpose is. And in the end, it should be the reason we work out.

So next time you are huffing and puffing away on that treadmill or hitting the pavement-- remember your purpose and let the updraft of that energy carry you through.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why I Do What I Do

I remember when I first started my health journey back when I was in high school. It's like the moment news gets around in your family that you are on a diet, all the judgements, side glances and of course, jokes upon jokes come rearing their ugly head at you.

It's not become easier for me to say the least.

When you tell people you are in the health field...suddenly everything you do is under scrutiny. Your life gets put under a magnifying glass. You can't even glance at a cupcake without hearing gasps all around you! (Yes, us Nutrition people are in fact...HUMAN.)

While I've learned to take the teasing, jokes and judgements easier these days. (Frankly, I find it amusing now...) I find it a challenge to really help people understand why health, nutrition and wellness are so crucial especially in this day in age where fast food is becoming an ever growing industry and healthy food is being compromised by pesticides, drugs and fake substitutions.

So, why do I do what I do??

  • To be my best so I can do my best for the purposes of what I am here in this life to do.  When I workout consistently, eat clean, get sleep & rest, laugh and love others...guess what? That's when I feel my BEST.
  • I want to be able to help others be their best. Plain and simple.
  • I want to give my children the best life possible. And they won't get that if I am not taking the time to be intentional about my health now.
  • I want to be around to see my kids have kids. I don't want to be in a rocking chair watching them run around. I aim to be right there with them, chasing butterflies and riding roller coasters!
  • I want to be the best girlfriend, daughter, sister, friend, granddaughter, niece & employee for the people in my life.
  • I want people to be happy. I know when I went through all my life's struggles, I couldn't help but notice the correlation between my poor health and the state of my mentality. They honestly go hand in hand. 
  • I want to simply enjoy life to the fullest! A poor diet affects EVERYTHING. From brain function/mood, joints, mind clarity, sex, mobility, sleep, stress responses, digestion... should I go on?

This list can go on and on, but my point here is simply to ask you this...

What's holding you back from achieving your optimal health? Any excuse that comes to mind pair it with something or someone that is SUPER important to you.

Sometimes we forget that health is more than just looking good. Health is your family. They need you. We all need each other.

 In closing, think about this...

You wouldn't want to get any less then the best service when you go out to eat a restaurant, right? Well, that person can't give you their best smile, full attention, energy and focus when behind the scenes they are suffering from a poor diet, next to no exercise and extreme lack of sleep...on top of all those medications for the myriads of random ailments.

Same goes for the supermarket cashier, the car salesman, the matter what your profession, you can't be your best if you don't understand the importance of your health...and do something, anything, about it TODAY.

It really goes beyond eating carrot sticks and lettuce ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cure or The Band-Aid?

The real problem begins with believing that how we FEEL is a good measure of how healthy we are. 

Think about this for a minute, really think about it. The next time you wake up in the morning feeling not too hot, with a fever or a runny nose, or you vomit, think about why. Next time you have a headache, think about the cause. And the very next time someone passes away because of cancer or has a "sudden" heart attack, think about how they were feeling 2 or 3 years ago. 

Your body is extremely intelligent.

Fevers are a very important immune function. They are a safe way that the body can kill viruses or bacteria that have attacked your health. To take aspirin to lower this function is to allow an infection a better chance to attack your body!

A runny nose is just merely a defense from allergens, bacteria, and viruses outside the body. Mucus keeps these things from entering your lungs. To take an antihistamine is to rob the body of its defense system, lowering your immunity, and allows viruses, bacteria and allergens a great chance to enter your body!

Vomiting allows your body to rid itself of contents which are harmful, and would do more damage to you if digested further. Your internal protection! 

Just 3 examples of feeling horrible despite a healthy reaction!

Headaches are not due to a lack of a Tylenol deficiency in our body. Sometimes it is because you are dehydrated! Drink water! And other headaches can be from low blood sugar, or withdrawal from caffeine or subluxation ( in other words, your spine ain't right!) 

Fix the problem, not the symptom! Your body tells you when you are doing something wrong!

5 out of 6 people will die from Heart Disease or a form of Cancer. These are diseases that rarely exhibit symptoms until it is too late. Meaning, the disease grows within us while we are "feeling fine" for years before the symptoms start to make themselves known.

Health is not something you are given or that just happens, you have to earn it. Just because you feel great doesn't mean you are healthy! 
Just because you feel bad doesn't mean you need a drug!
Give your body a chance to heal itself.
It is very intelligent and with a great diet, it has everything it needs.
Choose health, choose the cure.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"That's the thing about inner beauty..."

All too often we grow up with having a distorted view of what beautiful (or handsome, for the fellas) looks like. And if we are not careful, it can wreak havoc on our self esteem, shaping us into a person that we were not meant to be.

Personally, I've gone through many bouts of serious depression, self-harm and eating disorders as a result of letting other people tell me who I had to be. I let other people tell me I wasn't good enough, beautiful enough, skinny enough.... they essentially wrote on my forehead, "I am not worthy."

What I've come to finally accept about myself is this:
I am not perfect.
I don't speak the loudest but that doesn't mean I don't have a voice.
I come off as shy but that doesn't mean I am weak.
I am quiet in spirit but strong in the way I love.
I take longer than most to come around, but when I do I give my all.
I don't know the perfect conversation but I listen intently.
I have visible scars on my face from the years of harsh battle with hereditary acne but I still smile.
I don't have the greatest body but it's mine to care for as best I can.
I don't know the way to turn a head but the one who loves me sees only me...and that's all that matters.

I matter to the people that matter to me and that's all I can ever really ask for.


After many trials and tribulations, I found that my faith played a HUGE role in recapturing the women I am and still am trying to become.

This is one of my life verses I cling to, especially on hard days when it's too easy to pick on myself for the smallest imperfection. It's then that I turn my eyes to the one who created me, knowing He never makes mistakes...

"It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you—the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God."  ~ 1 Peter 3:3-4

This entry was a bit of the more personal side of me. I want people that I mentor and consult with to know I am REAL. I've been there...where you have been in some way, shape or form. And I GET IT. I KNOW how it feels. And I am dedicated to YOUR health in every way.

The way you see yourself plays a HUGE role in your health. Too many diseases can stem from negative thought patterns. So, let's break this and me.

I would love to hear your story. Email me privately if you wish at

By Grace...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Healthy Make-Over Challenge: Arroz Con Pollo

Arroz con Pollo means "Rice with Chicken" in Spanish. It is a classic dish of Spain and Latin America, with many different traditional ways to prepare it, unique to various countries. An Arroz con Pollo you find in Cuba may be quite different than one you find in Peru.

So, after sifting through tons a different variations of this recipe JUST so I could swap out the ingredients for their healthy counterparts, I finally decided to just free-style it, WBG style!  

For example: Most Arroz Con Pollo recipes do not call for cheese...but a rebel at heart, I added it just for my special friend who gave me this idea to re-vamp this recipe! (Thanks, Mary!)

So, I present to you....

Arroz Con Pollo

  • 2 lbs Organic Boneless Chicken Breast
  • Brown Long Grain Rice
  • Organic Chicken Broth- 1 cup
  • 1 14.5 oz. Can of Diced Tomatoes
  • 2 Red Bell Peppers
  • 1/2 Cup White Cooking Wine (I use the brand, Pompeian)
  • 4 Garlic Cloves, diced
  • 1/2 Lemon 
  • 1/2 bunch of Cilantro, chopped
  • Monterrey Jack Cheese (Whole Foods 365 Brand)
  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 1 Cup Green Peas
  • 2 TBSP Coconut Oil
Seasonings (Add as desired to your liking):

  • Sea Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Oregano
  • Paprika

-Brown chicken with seasonings in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. (You may use olive oil if you prefer, but keep on low heat if doing so..)

 -In a separate pan, cook brown rice according to directions on package. The brown rice I used took 40 minutes, which is typical cooking time! (*Instant Brown Rice can be used here also.)

 -Chop veggies during the time rice is cooking. (Red Bell Peppers, Onion & Garlic)

 -After Rice is done, let stand for 5 minutes.

-Coat a casserole dish with 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

-Add chopped veggies, green peas, can of diced tomatoes, white wine and chicken broth to rice in the pot. (add salt to desired taste, I didn't add enough the first time!)

-Stir and simmer rice for 5 minutes on medium heat. Add pepper and salt to desired taste. (This is a perfect chance to taste test!)

-Pour rice mix in casserole dish. Pre-heat oven to *350.

-Place browned chicken on top of rice mixture. Add slices of cheese to rice. I used 4 oz of the block of Monterrey Cheese...

-Bake for 30 minutes at *350, un-covered.

-Add cilantro and zest from the lemon for added flavor.
           Did you know?

Adding more herbs like cilantro and spices to your diet
greatly increases the variety of antioxidants that
you get from your diet, and is one of the most
effective measures you can take against
disease and premature aging.

Give it a try and let me know how you like it! And don't be afraid to add your own twist with your own personal taste.

*Remember, not all cheeses are created equal. We used Whole Foods 365 brand. You can rest assured that the cheese they sell won't have crazy hormones injected. When possible, always use cheese that comes from grass fed cows! Goat cheese is another great option that would work well with the dish. Add your own zest!

Happy Eating!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Words Are Power

Health isn't just about what you put in your mouth or how much you exercise.

It's a mentality. And it all starts with your words.

The power to see change in your life can be found in the words you speak. You have the power to set the destiny for your what comes out of your mouth.

The bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 that life and death are found in the words we speak. No one gets to decide the words that come out of your mouth except for you.

You have complete control over what you choose to say.

Your words have the power to set things in motion, good or bad. They’re like little seeds that you plant in life.

When your words are filled with faith, hope and promise then you’ll enjoy the fruit of them. But if they’re filled with discouragement, fear and other negative attitudes you won’t enjoy your life.

Don't believe me? Tomorrow try saying over and over, "I'm so tired" and see how your body reacts. The more you say it, the more you feel that feeling. Let's face it, you'll be tired.

But instead of speaking what you obviously are feeling, try replacing it with, "I'm strong", "I'm healthy", "I am well able to do what I am called to do today"

Sure, it takes time to adjust to hearing yourself speak positive affirmations over your life, but as with any have to do it over and over again. Eventually, it will just be a habit for you to speak power over your life, and not defeat.


Take 5 minutes and write out a list of "I Am's" and post them where you can see them every day.

Here is an example of mine:
I am blessed.
I am strong.
I am healthy.
I am happy.
I am a child of God.
I am a women of faith.
I am more than able to do what God has called me to do.
I am funny.
I am beautiful.
I am talented.
I am creative.

Not hard, right? Let go and be courageous with what you speak! Here's to a better tomorrow and a beautiful future that awaits you... just say the words ;)

By Grace,

*Pic credit goes to Wisdom From Books

Monday, January 9, 2012

Our 2011 Highlights & Looking Ahead to 2012

Happy New Year! Wow, 2012 here you are, ready and rearing to go...

But before we kick these new dreams into gear, I wanted to take a moment to share one of Whole Body Grace's highlights from 2011.

Last year, was essentially, the birth of WBG. I had plans that were put on hold due to life events, but even in the midst of it all, I gained amazing support that I don't take for granted. And above all else, I want to acknowledge those people that really stood out and helped get Whole Body Grace's name circling the atmosphere.

My sister, Melissa, who runs a fabulous website, Lisscat Creations, (which you should definitely check her art out!) always faithfully re-tweeted & re-posted my material to her audience. She also donated her talent to designing WBG's logo and blog layout! HUGE thank you to her for supporting this dream of mine.

We ended the year with a wonderful testimony that was too good to not share. I believe the following words you are about to read is the essence of what I hope Whole Body Grace can bring to people in this year to come...

If you do anything constructive today, then I would suggest that you please visit and LIKE Erica Ohnesorgen's Whole Body Grace. :-) Back in my sophomore year in college, when I was on my quest to lose weight, I learned a great deal about health and fitness, mostly through trial and error. However, in the time I've been with Erica, my knowledge has increased tenfold, and well, let's just say I didn't know as much as I thought I knew.

And that's usually the case for people who are either entering the Health and Nutrition world for the first time or even those who consider themselves to be veteran practitioners. Regardless, we all have bought in to the myths perpetrated by the Health Industry, who let's be honest, just want to make a quick buck and could really care less about you as long as they meet that objective. So many people want a quick fix, a quick solution, and they don't want to put the time and effort toward building a healthier body. So naturally, the corporate suits and ties Health Industry cash in on this. It's their job to determine what America's inner most and wants and desires are and sell it to them.

America is practically obsessed with looks and we as people desperately throw our hard earned money away toward whatever FAD diets, CRAPPY workout equipment, or SILLY quick fix solutions they're shilling. The Sawdust Diet that prides itself on letting you eat all the meat you want does not work, the Shake Weight is an insult to our intelligence, and all the magical pills and supplements carried out by Pharmaceutical companies is a corrupt and an immoral practice, who again just want to make a profit.

LISTEN, if you want a happier, healthier life it's going to take work on your part, and Erica is going to tell you the very same thing. However, Erica is a real person with a real story. She's been through all the up's and down's in regard to maintaining her health, and she can empathize. It's hard for me not to put my personal bias aside, but she really is the kindest, sweetest person you'll ever meet.

She's not a health NAZI, she'll give you REAL and PRACTICAL advice toward making Health and Nutrition an active part of your LIFESTYLE. No DIETS here! You'll learn the difference between a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and a DIET, you'll learn why FAT is so CHEAP to produce, and above all else, you'll learn just how of what we put into our bodies is so IMPORTANT to increasing our VITALITY and IMPROVING our LIFESTYLE.

WHOLE BODY GRACE is a blooming business, working from the ground up and Erica could use your business. So MEN, you want those coveted SIX-PACK abs, shoot WBG a message on Facebook or Twitter to find out how. LADIES, you want to fit in that little black dress again? Shoot a line at Whole Body Grace. And yes, she'll respond. She'll, get this, actually talk to you like a NORMAL person!!! However, if you're interested...whatever it is that you want, whatever it is that you need, she will make a plan specifically catered to your goals.

So you want to be ripped, sexy, or more importantly, be RIDICULOUSLY happy and healthy? Then be sure to LIKE "Whole Body Grace" on Facebook, FOLLOW @WholeBodyGrace on Twitter, and SUBSCRIBE to Whole Body Grace on Youtube.

I only endorse what I believe in...

- Grahm

A HUGE thank you goes to these two special people in my life for their love & support for WBG.

As I look ahead to 2012, I am ecstatic and overjoyed about all the possibilities and opportunities that are within my grasp. I am blessed beyond reason to be apart of bringing health and wellness to the community around me. I pray that this movement spreads like wildfire as we all learn to take care of the most precious thing we've been given...our health.

By Grace,