Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day... Oops!

Yeah, it's been an intermission of sorts..

We are human, we screw up. We drop the ball, we just

As hard as that is to admit, life happens.

And you can't teach something without first learning it yourself. Well, I thought I had learned grace. (Ha...God probably laughed hard at that thought.)

I embarked on The Maker's Diet wanting to heal some things, like the ache in my knees and yes, lose some weight. But I ended up focusing too much on what I couldn't have and not letting myself enjoy what I could have. (and among other life events that popped up...)

I am definitely the type of personality that is "ALL OR NOTHING" And I now I realize...that is NOT grace.

Grace says you can do it, you will do it but when you do blow it I will be here to help you pick up the pieces and we will move on together.

Grace says you blew it but I love you anyway.

Grace says that’s not acceptable but I’ll be there when you are ready to move on.

Grace says no, it’s not ok but in Christ we are.

Grace says you are a meat head but then so am I.

Grace never says it’s ok to act, do or say whatever, however or in what ever you choose. 

However in the end we need always remember that the tremendous gift God has given us means that…..
Grace does a body good!

When served straight up and not through a straw siphoning or covering up poor performance, attitude or thinking...I am learning this very fact. Grace is needed to be whole. Period.

I am off to continue to keep getting schooled on grace! ...which will be a forever lesson in progress...

In Grace.

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