Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Motivation

If anyone knows me, they know I am all about lyrics and music. And naturally...they go together!

Well, music moves and this song moves me as I hope it will do the same for YOU. Check out the lyrics below and my hopes is that it sets to tone for much positivity for the week ahead! Let's make some moves, people! :)

"Make A Move" - Royal Tailor

Mr. Good Intentions, so much I wanna do
My mouth just keeps on running
But I never follow through
I heard that true religion is love with hands and feet
I wanna find my own way
To reach a world in need
I've been captured by the unimportant
Locked in and now it's time to break free

There's more to life
Open my eyes
Someone is needing you
So I gotta make a move

What good are words
When this world hurts
Real faith will come through
When I make a move
We don't need permission to go outside of these doors
And dream some crazy dream
No one else has dreamed before
To show love and compassion
Whatever way it may be
To put faith into action
Do more than just believe
We are hope to those who have been broken
We were made to make a difference

I've been captured by the unimportant
Locked in and now it's time to break free
Now it's time to break free


I dare ask the question.... What moves you??

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Hello Somebody... Is anyone listening?"

I got to believe at one point or another we've said this, thought it, or at least felt it. In fact, I think we too often go through life thinking people don't want to be bothered or inconvenienced. But really, if you stop to ask how they are doing, more often than not they tend to light up and appreciate you took the time to just...listen.

I think I am finally listening. I am finally starting to open up to the world around me and accept the fact that *gasp* It isn't always about me.

This is why I LOVE what Hello Somebody is all about. Within the past few months this non-profit organization kept popping up on my radar and finally I had to check them out! I love how Hello Somebody engages other people to help conquer huge goals for these kids in Rwanda.

Instead of just saying, "Yeah, we sell apparel and it helps feed a kid!" They reach out and recruit people like you and I and have you focus on ONE child. Your aim is to get one sweet boy food and education by selling some pretty nifty watches. I just bought one and I LOVE it.

Check out the array of awesome colors!

My last post, " An Early Christmas Wish" indicated the simple instructions of when ordering. So far, two watches have been sold for Fils Twizeyimana! 

Since Hello Somebody takes care of the orders, I have no clue who it was BUT much gratitude to you who bought a watch for Fils! :)

We only have 68 watches to go till Fils can be guaranteed food and education for a whole year! AND...we only have 2 weeks to make it happen!

I need 7 Rock Stars who can recruit 10 people each to buy a watch! Want in? Leave a comment below letting me know!

The Basics:
  • Buy a watch here.
  • Simply put Fils Twizeyimana name in the "Note" field upon check out.
  • That's it!


My Rock Stars will be automatically entered to win a $25 certificate to PLUS a free introductory Health Profile courtesy of yours truly, Whole Body Grace.

Thanks for everyone's support, I really appreciate it! :)


 Would you like to be a Team Lead for Hello Somebody and help one of these kids get food and education for a whole year? Check out more information right over here ----> Rwanda 100

*Winner will be selected at the end of the month!

Monday, October 24, 2011

An Early Christmas Wish

I know. Not even Halloween yet, and I am making my Christmas list...sort of.

If Santa can only give me one thing this year, then Santa... I want Fils Twizeyimana, who lives in Rwanda, to be blessed with food and education for a WHOLE year.

There is an incredible opportunity through Hello Somebody, a organization that exists to feed and educate children, that I want to share with you all.

I have partnered with Hello Somebody and their movement to get 100 Rwanda boys off the street, fed and educated by simply buying a watch. Yes, a watch. If 70 people bought one watch for themselves (or for a Christmas present for someone else, hint hint!) You will be apart of giving Fils food and education for a WHOLE year. That's all it takes! 70 watches.

Now who is Fils, you say?

He's awesome and has an amazing story....

My name is Fils Twizeyimana, and I am 19 years old. I’ve been coming to Africa New Life Ministries since 2004. I learned about it from a former staff member who invited me to the Dream Center.  I am thankful that I learned the word of God there.  Once I knew God’s word, I was able to depend on Him and ask Him to help me go off drugs on the street.  I sniffed glue for 9 years, and I have been clean for 2 years now.  My dream is to finish school and be a counselor.  I want to help rehabilitate children from drugs and street life.  I desire to be a strong man and to have a family I can support.  I want to be a leader and an example of breaking the chain of poverty through education.  My parents died in the 1994 genocide and I live in their house. The court gave me the house after they died. I would be very grateful if someone bought the watch knew my name. I had no hope and no one to talk with about my life.  I took drugs to take my mind off my struggles.  Now that I know Jesus, I have God to talk with, and I know God cares for me.  God has shown me His love through people, especially at Africa New Life. My favorite color watch is dark blue.

Are you ready to help impact a life and grant my Christmas wish come true? I got 30 days....70 watches. And I got HUGE faith I can do this...but not on my own.

Ready? Set. Go!

  • Go >>>here <<< and check out the awesome array of colors the watches come in and start thinking of all the lucky people on your Christmas list that would love one ;) (hint, hint again...)
  • When you check out with your watch(s), make sure to put Fils' name in the “Note to seller” (in which you click on and it opens the note field) Hello Somebody keeps count of how many watches are being sold for him!

One last note...

To make it clear, I am not getting anything from doing this other than the simple fact that I am choosing to pour into someone's life like many have chosen to pour into mine. I have been blessed and only wish to be a blessing in return. This year has taken a toll on me in more ways than I imagined. So, if anything good can come from this is to know I was a tiny part of helping this young man have a better life and hope for a beautiful future. And you can very much be apart of this as well. (and this concludes my Miss America practice speech! ....kidding, kidding..)

#TeamFils <---- Trend it on Twitter!

More to come! might not only just be getting a watch. You might be getting healthier at the same time ;)

Pic Credit Hello Somebody

Friday, September 16, 2011

Re:Creating Our Family Trees

We all come from a family tree of sorts. We all got passed on the same family traditions, religious practices or the same traditional food our Mom's and Dad's had. And they grew up living the same lifestyle their parents did...and so forth and so on...

You look around these days and decades ago it wasn't the same for this generation of kids and young adults like it was for our great grandparents...even our parents.

To say times has changed is a dramatic understatement.

From high school tragedies, bullying to now the ever increasing health issues arising in our country... it's alarming.


I've been blessed with an opportunity to learn the value of true health and wellness. Moving away from my comfortable surroundings in Tucson, Arizona led me to my own self discovery of how we are really made to live.

It makes me deeply saddened to watch all my family take all these pills for all these random ailments, go through various health challenges and so much more. It's no way to live. And I understand some things we just can't help but most of what these pills are for are for things that CAN be controlled by diet AND lifestyle.

I'm the only one in my family who is NOT on high blood pressure pills. I am also the only one who has moved away and not constantly surrounded by the temptation of tortillas, chili con carne, tacos, enchiladas and a whole host of other mouth-watering Mexican dishes. (But how I do miss a good home cooked meal...)

By moving away from my hometown it caused me to see the world in several different lights. It caused me to see ME in many different lights...that I didn't like. I made a change. I made several changes...

And now I am making a decision.

I am changing my family tree.

I believe that educating others of the importance of eating real food and the importance of staying active, we can recreate our family trees. And what I am most excited about is recreating my own family tree (when God chooses to bless me with a husband and kiddos...)

I have been blessed with seeing first hand what eating real food can do. Making a commitment to my health has resulted in a joy I've never known.

This is the way God created us to live. Our bodies were meant for so much more... if we only just grasp the fact the times have changed. If we see our parents and family going through these health struggles, taking tons of meds, living a not so satisfying lifestyle...isn't it time we take a step back and think....

Maybe I should try something new? Something different. Maybe that stuff they've done for years...maybe I shouldn't do?

I'm not saying you have to move away. I believe changes can start small right where you are in your family...

Every time I make a visit to home I try to suggest something new like...using sea salt instead of iodized salt. Little changes...will eventually make BIG impressions.

What do you want your family tree to look like?

Here are some great places to get some ideas to start changing your family tree NOW! :)
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
Beyond Organic
Dr. Axe --Health.Life.You

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just Start


This is what my life has been about this year, it feels like. I make no apologies and take full responsibility but I believe that ultimately...things do happen for a reason.

I believe seasons in life (be it loss of beloved pets, re-occurring bad habits, or just being fed up and utterly bored with life so you resort to watching all 7 seasons of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix to ignore that life is going on without you whether you like it or not...)

Whatever it is that happens to us in these rather dark times, I believe it shapes you to be the person you need to be...for the next season.
(Even if at the current time I feel as though "Failure" should be my middle name instead of Christine, but I don't think my mom would agree to that name change.)

So, now what?

I come crawling back to God and humble myself and say, "I give up...what's your plans? Because mine suck."

Only wisdom I can conjure up is... Just start.

Because I can't get back yesterday. I can't keep regretting decisions that have already been decided. And I certainly can't stay where I am at...

I choose to ignore the big part of me that's always wanting to do "all or nothing". Been down that road... So today I am just going to start doing what I can with what I can.

That simple? Yes. Easy to do? No.

But completely worth it in the long run.

What do you need to just start? Going for a 10 minute walk? Not eating late at night? Emailing someone just to say your thinking of them? Maybe you just need to start with forgiving yourself...

Think about it.

*Pic credit to Baqmar

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Right Where You Are

To figure out Your ways- It's a puzzle with a maze in some bright, beautiful place...

Lovely to see but I can't begin to fathom any of the missing piece.

And maybe that's okay?

Maybe that's all part of this love story You create.

Sometimes I think this world gets it all wrong. Complicates it to the extreme. So unnecessary. But necessary enough to see... Should love be this hard?

I think You covered the hardest part for us all... Why can't we see that?

And what is with all these denominations? Why the separation?
Maybe it's just me but...
I thought love was universal?

I haven't been doing this Christian thing for too long but...
As far as I've seen...

What's captured my heart is that You always meet me where I am.
You speak my language.
You step in my world.

I may stray...I will stray
But the line...the line can never be cut between You and I.
You tenderly will tug on it every now and then...
And I become a little more alive within...than when I'm without You.
And I come running back.

This is where I belong.
                                 Right where You Are.

What do your morning talks to God look like? Some how I end up rhyming in mine.... :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I Love About Summer--#SexyBack11 Update #2

Mmmmmmm.....Berries! And lot's of them...

If we are what we eat... I am a blueberry. Because that is all I have been eating...mostly in muffins though. So, that needs to stop! I've been on this muffin kick lately making gluten-free brown rice muffins from scratch. They are delicious, completely healthy, real food at its best kinda stuff but alas...too much of anything isn't good for you. (Insert dramatic sigh here)

So, #SexyBack11 Update comin' atcha!

Honestly...didn't bother stepping on a scale this week. I have a love-hate-mostly-hate relationship with my scale. week we shall be on speaking terms...hopefully. I've been loving reading everyone's updates and it seems a few of us have had our struggles...good news is we are all in this together. And health is a one step at a time thing kinda thing. Day by day. Sometimes...moment by moment.

Well, last week:

I conquered the real food part. (i.e Not processed, packaged foods...)
I started to get back to dancing! (but I need to do more of it...)


I can tell I didn't lose anything AND I picked up a nasty little habit that shall be quickly squashed!! .....((Whispers)) I had coffee everyday this week... *sighs*

I blame the late nights thus...lack of sleep.

Goodbye June, You were not my friend.

Hello, July. You will be awesome.

Until the next #SexyBack11 Update....

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. ~Hebrews 12:1

photo courtesy of: GraphicsHunt

Friday, June 24, 2011

I Am Women

That's what week one of #SexyBack11 has been about for me.  I've had an interesting week, to say the least. Circumstances have brought me to doubt certain things about me...certain people challenged my self worth and you know... I had two choices. Let it keep me down...or rise above.

I'm rising.

I came across a great anthem that I holding on to as I continue on this #SexyBack11 Health Challenge. It's a little diddy from a strong women named Jordin Sparks. If you haven't heard her new song, "I Am Women" you definitely need to check it out! (Especially if you are a women...) It's empowering, uplifting...and a great workout song!

So on to the update for week one... I've lost 2 lbs! And oddly enough, only exercised 2 days. (Will bust my behind this weekend, that's for sure!) My clothes are already feeling better and that's what I want to go by...not the scale.

It's nice...I am feeling more like myself every day. And I like that. :)

I am so thankful for this community of "Sexy Backer's", if I may oddly title us that. It's definitely keeping me in check and I look forward to keep pressing on!

What I am sticking to:  Real Food, Exercising at least 3 days a week and getting some good sleep!

Here's to Week 2! Let's do this....

Friday, June 17, 2011

We All Fall Down

         “…though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again…”
                                                                        Proverbs 24:16 
I got to believe that even the most perfect people have days they feel like...most imperfect (because really, who is perfect?!)
I got to believe that even professional basketball players don't play at the top of the game...all the time. 
And I got to believe that even the King of Pop messed up a dance step or two every now and again. 
What's my point? We all can't be perfect. Sometimes we do fall.

My passion has been to help people lead healthier, happier lives because when we feel our best, we be our best and do what we were created to do with vibrancy and all the skills God equipped us with! So when we neglect our health and put low on our list of things to do...we all fall down.
Situations, set backs, disappointments, bad habits and blah blah blah (insert excuse here)...just a series of not fun stuff has thrown me off my game. Guess it's ;) ...and I got to admit to you all.... I am not being my best so I have stepped back and stopped doing what I so claim to "passionately" do. 
I miss me. I haven't been me at all lately... And I need your help!
A big thing I've realized is that I know all the right things to do but I have no accountability, no partner(s)... I keep doing this health thing alone. And that is NOT how we are meant to do life. 
So, that's why I am thrilled to have discovered a great post on a awesome blog I keep up with called An Idol Heart. There is a movement getting started called The #SexyBack11 Health Challenge. (Love me some JT!)  Check it out >>here<< to read what it's all about!  
I'm excited to be apart of this community of awesome people and  hopefully get back to the women that was full of energy, joy and just a wee bit slimmer then the current me ;) 

My Goal: Lose 28 lbs by my 28th birthday (September 19th)
Anyone want to join me? :)
Photo by Red Bubble

Monday, May 30, 2011

How I Got Lost.

I remember way back when I was sitting in my room with some paper and a pen.
Words flowed like water and I couldn't stop them...
They were my only escape.
Escape the world, escape my life, escape my loneliest of times.

Music was another world.
Words to a melody and I was in love.
Things just made sense between music and my paper and pen.
Until one day I put them down
Dreams don't happen as easily as you can dream them

And where have I gone?
Silly me, I forgot the lyrics to my own song.
I forgot the steps to my own beat
I lost the very part of me.
Heart and soul is who we all are.

We were made to be something so much more than who we are
So why can't we see
Why can't we believe that dreams are real
And so is He.

Grace is more than just a light in the dark
It's the beating of a heart.
The warmth of a mother's hand
The smile of a Father's face
The safety of an embrace


Yes, words...
Words are my saving grace.
Bring me back to my paper and pen
I want to inspire the world to dream again...

*Pic credit to True Stories, Honest Lies

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day... Oops!

Yeah, it's been an intermission of sorts..

We are human, we screw up. We drop the ball, we just

As hard as that is to admit, life happens.

And you can't teach something without first learning it yourself. Well, I thought I had learned grace. (Ha...God probably laughed hard at that thought.)

I embarked on The Maker's Diet wanting to heal some things, like the ache in my knees and yes, lose some weight. But I ended up focusing too much on what I couldn't have and not letting myself enjoy what I could have. (and among other life events that popped up...)

I am definitely the type of personality that is "ALL OR NOTHING" And I now I realize...that is NOT grace.

Grace says you can do it, you will do it but when you do blow it I will be here to help you pick up the pieces and we will move on together.

Grace says you blew it but I love you anyway.

Grace says that’s not acceptable but I’ll be there when you are ready to move on.

Grace says no, it’s not ok but in Christ we are.

Grace says you are a meat head but then so am I.

Grace never says it’s ok to act, do or say whatever, however or in what ever you choose. 

However in the end we need always remember that the tremendous gift God has given us means that…..
Grace does a body good!

When served straight up and not through a straw siphoning or covering up poor performance, attitude or thinking...I am learning this very fact. Grace is needed to be whole. Period.

I am off to continue to keep getting schooled on grace! ...which will be a forever lesson in progress...

In Grace.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 18- Walking Through The Dark Valley's

Even though I walk
   through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
   for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
   they comfort me.-- Psalm 23:4

I hope you'll forgive me. It's been awhile. But here I'm back... Day 18.

It's been an interesting journey so far, needless to say. As I sat here trying to come up with something to write that would make sense to you (since nothing in my mind makes sense to me right now...) the one thing, the only thing, I can truly say is...God is so mysterious.

And I love and hate that. That is the truth.

See, the past 18 days have been nothing short of revitalizing yet exhausting at the same time. Oxymoron at it's best. I've come to realize that even if I am not doing these 40 days perfectly, I am doing the foundational aspects with all the grace He gives me. And for some reason, it's left me so vulnerable and well, lonely.

But I guess when you set out to do things not of this kind of get left behind.

After Phase 1 of The Maker's Diet was completed the weekend after Easter, I honestly was a bit disappointed that the changes I was seeing...wasn't what I wanted to see or feel. I got frustrated with myself and tried to wrack my brain to reason what was going on.

No going back now right? So, I continued to press on....

Then He moved. He moved in my life in a subtle yet powerful He always does.

Since mid January, I had started treatment with a Wellness Chiropractor for several issues. I initially went in to just see what was up with the increasing numbness in my left leg. After X-Rays, it was revealed to me that it was more than just numbness that was going wrong. The arc in my neck (which is referred to as the Arc of Life in the Chiro World) was in fact GONE. Not only gone, but I had a -5 degree in my neck. Now, I won't steer too off topic but certainly will blog on this another day, but in plain english...that's bad news! 

Losing the arc in your neck results in a host of crazyness that can start to happen in your body like headaches, hormone imbalances, in-ability to absorb nutrients properly...the list goes on and on. Basically, you need that arc in your neck! Plain and simple.

So, fast forward, I get re- X-rayed this week to see where I am at so far and BAM! My neck is now a humble 10 degrees! A whole 15 degrees shift in the right direction since January. Pretty freakin' cool, if you ask me. 

Well, that had me thinking....

Sometimes we tend to look at our lives and see nothing happening. All the while, God is slowly changing us from the inside, whatever that may mean. I always have to remind myself...God is never early nor late. His timing is j u s t right.

I am still healing. Probably more on the inside than out...for now. Do I have goals? Yes. But now I gotta learn to let go and LET God. Because I am weak, and He is strong. This body belongs to him, and I choose to honor Him with it no matter what, however long it takes, and no matter what the world thinks...

I will keep walking through these dark valley's....knowing there is light at the end waiting for me.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 11- Purpose & Prayer

So, here I am. Winding down at the end of my partial fast day and I got to say...God is good.

Sometimes we build things up in our minds that seem a far too great an obstacle to run. I mean come on, who wants to not eat all day?!

I love food, how about you? But when it comes to a 40 Day journey such as The Maker's Diet... it's not just about the food. You just don't count calories. In fact, calories aren't even a factor in this diet. (Shocking, I know...) The purpose of this diet is to let your body heal, restore and get back to the way God intended.

Today's fast was a lot more bare-able when I kept that purpose in the forefront of my mind. See, for me, my whole life before was centered around diets just to lose weight because I was putting pressure on me to fit in or whatever. You know how the story goes...

It's only Day 11 of this 40 Day journey and I am in awe of the One who made me. I really am...

My sister gave me this scripture that I read every time I had those hunger pangs today, and boy, did He deliver His promise...

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his love and for the miracles he does for people. He satisfies the thirsty, and fills up the hungry." ~Psalm 107:8-9

It's not about a number on a scale, the way the clothes fit (although, its a bonus) counting calories or restrictive eating... it's about taking care of the most precious thing God's given us... Our bodies.

We only get one.

*Picture credit goes to Tryst

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 8

 Happy After Easter!

Is this what you look like today? It's what I FEEL like! And I didn't even have any candy :( Blasphemy!! (just kidding...)

Just a quick update here for Day 8. This will be the last week of Phase One. (Hallelujah!) Can't's been tough. Been experiencing a lot of fatigue lately. I've been trying to diagnose myself and I just have concluded it to two things:

1) My body misses hummus.
2) I need a vacation.

Yes, two things no human should go without but alas, the journey presses on!

So how did I survive Easter on The Maker's Diet? Piece of cake! (Okay, well minus the cake...)

Picture this: Salmon (My fav!), A fabulous Zucchini Skillet, Yellow Squash & Snow Peas sauteed together, Steamed Asparagus and for dessert.... A Pumpkin & Goat's Milk yogurt parfait topped with almonds! (Yeah, I made it up, really I did!...)

Wish I was cool enough to remember to take pictures of the food (especially dessert...) like all those cool bloggers out there do so you can drool with me but ....still working on the cool factor. Ah, well.

Well, the fatigue is coming back for it's finale for the night SO...until fingers hit the keys again....

Love and be good to each other! Adios....

P.S I love Zumba! :) That is all.

*Picture credit goes to Goode-The Blog

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 3

As promised... I wanted to bring you along on my 40 Day journey on The Maker's Diet! So, here is the deal...

Feeling great so far physically. I guess I kinda cheated in that I was already a pretty healthy eater before so not eating processed bread & sugar was no biggie for me. But Phase 1 of The Maker's Diet did have me cutting out beans...which meant no hummus... ((Insert dramatic gasp here)) Yeah, little addicted. But that's another blog topic for another day....

Sad, I know. But...I must press on!

This week has been interesting starting this journey on Monday. I've been hit with some crazy bouts with anxiousness and I have no clue why! Lately, I've really been examining my life and realize that I fail at keeping my life full of abundant and meaningful joy. For example...

I grew up dancing and loved it. It's definitely apart of me...BUT... over the last few years, I've seriously neglected that part of me and traded it in for the 40 hour work week to just the bills. I know we all struggle with this, right? We are too tired at the end of the day from the monotonous work we do 8 hours (and sometimes more...) that at the end of the day...we are spent! Nothing left but to go home, cook dinner, and prepare for the next day! Then the weekend comes...its errand and cleaning day, and come Sunday...get ready to do the week all over again. THE ....SAME...WAY.

I am burnt out. What about you??

So, this is one HUGE reason why I wanted to do The Maker's Diet. Because it literally has you schedule in a "fun" work, nothing but enjoying life as it is meant to be!.... But not an easy task! Especially for type A personalities such as myself who wants to get stuff done! (argh...) Focus, focus....

But alas, this weekend will be my attempt at doing so. Good thing it's the Easter weekend, and I am forced to get out of the house and spend time celebrating with some family.

And God is so cool, I tell ya... A good friend of mine texted me the other day and asked if I wanted to start Zumba classes this Saturday....BINGO! Right on time :) I am thrilled to do something new AND it's dance! Rock on! I am so ready!

Well, tomorrow is my "partial fast" day. Which means no breakfast, no lunch. Prayers please! haha...No really. PRAY! Good thing is that I can juice veggies and drink that all day until I get home for dinner. (Hello, Perfect Food Berry! Makes my life easier to juice at work, powder form, what's up!) I am excited about it though. Fasting gives your body a chance to repair and heal. And I am ALL for that.

Till the next update...

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  --Philippians 3:14

Sunday, April 17, 2011

40 Days Of The Maker's Way

Photo Courtesy of                     

Ever since I got this book in the mail only a few weeks ago, I haven't been able to put it down! I had been familiar with Jordan Rubin before when I tried to read his book that was written after The Maker's Diet and that is called The Great Physician's Rx for Health & Wellness.

Tried being the key word.

I obviously wasn't in the right frame of mind. I got a few pages in and felt that it wasn't for me. As I continued on in life trying to "diet" by the worlds standards, I continued to fail and yo-yo diet, losing and gaining weight, never staying consistent and worst of all, hurting myself in the process.

Fast forward over a year later and since then gone through school for Nutrition & Wellness and been exposed to whole new world of REAL food & mentality is right where it needs to be. And I am ready!

So, as I embark on these 40 Days...starting tomorrow, I want to take you along for the ride. I'll be documenting my experiences right here.


What is The Maker's Diet?

"Diet" being a loose term here, these 40 days do not just focus on the simple desire to lose weight for physical appearance, rather it's a lifestyle regimen designed to improve overall health and healing and to return to the foods that our bodies were designed to run best on. Along with incorporating real food, The Maker's Diet encourages real exercise, prayer, and seeking joy to start living a fuller, healthier life.


So if you wonder, "Hey, can I do this?" Stick around and I'll be giving you play by plays, so to speak, as I do my usual "9-5" job, plus incorporating a huge aspect for me into these 40 Day's and that's....


See, I've come to realize that I can eat all the right foods, do all the right exercise and take all the right vitamins and supplements but as it says in Proverbs 17:22... "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." 

This is my challenge. To find my joy in life again and keep it apart of my life as much as taking care of this body for optimum health. Also, I am believing for my knees to get stronger and heal within these 40 Days. I've had trouble with them the past couple years and actually...that is what has kept me from one of my joys, and that is dancing!

All the more reason to get healthy and get on God's plan...

I hope you will join me as I journey through this... and if you please, keep me in your prayers as I commit these next 40 Days to the Lord!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength..."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Joy--What does it mean?

Good question, right?

We all are in constant search for it. Well, I know I am. How about you?

Lately, I've been reading a lot about how JOY effects even our health. If we are without it, we aren't functioning right. I mean, it makes sense right? We are made to enJOY life.

For me, the past few years I've drifted far from the things I love, and even let go of some dreams I once had... but some part of that dream still remains. Like my love for music and especially LYRICS. I love words.

I really LOVE words. And I think I always will. Something about lyrics in a song pieced together like a puzzle and yet, almost effortlessly that makes me feel... alive. (This coming from a girl who originally went to school and studied Lyric Writing & Music Business!)

I believe it's how my Maker made me. All the simple joys I find, I am. But, I am realizing more and more, even if I don't make a living out of ALL my joys...they are still apart of WHO I am and I need to keep embracing them daily. It's just like breathing....

So, I leave you with a piece of lyric that touched me this week. It has no relevance to my life, but the words are just beautifully written...lyrical excellence! (In my opinion...) And I leave with this question.... What is your joy? Seek it, find it, and then don't let it go.

"You take this hand, You take this heart, Stir my bones from a thousand miles apart, Feels so cold without you, It's like ten shades of winter and I need the sun..."  Won't Stop-- One Republic

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Beginnings!

New beginnings. Starting over... That's right. 'Tis the season!

Yes, I was very skilled in accidentally deleting more former blog "Grace for E.R.I.C.A" ... But maybe it was meant to be?

See, out of a mistake birthed a brand new concept, brand new vision, brand new focus. Whole Body Grace.

Isn't that what it's all about? It's not just about nutrition. Not just about losing weight. Not just how to exercise the right way. It's not just about one thing when it concerns your health. Health is fully encompassing YOU. Your body. Your attitude. Your life.

Through my own experiences, I've learned that you can't fix one area of your life without wanting to fix another... So, I hope these semi-frequent blogs and musings will serve as tool to help you discover the importance of something we all too frequently put on the back burner....our health!

After all, without it...who are we, really?

"Americans will always do the right thing--after they've exhausted all the alternatives." --Winston Churchill