Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 3

As promised... I wanted to bring you along on my 40 Day journey on The Maker's Diet! So, here is the deal...

Feeling great so far physically. I guess I kinda cheated in that I was already a pretty healthy eater before so not eating processed bread & sugar was no biggie for me. But Phase 1 of The Maker's Diet did have me cutting out beans...which meant no hummus... ((Insert dramatic gasp here)) Yeah, little addicted. But that's another blog topic for another day....

Sad, I know. But...I must press on!

This week has been interesting starting this journey on Monday. I've been hit with some crazy bouts with anxiousness and I have no clue why! Lately, I've really been examining my life and realize that I fail at keeping my life full of abundant and meaningful joy. For example...

I grew up dancing and loved it. It's definitely apart of me...BUT... over the last few years, I've seriously neglected that part of me and traded it in for the 40 hour work week to just the bills. I know we all struggle with this, right? We are too tired at the end of the day from the monotonous work we do 8 hours (and sometimes more...) that at the end of the day...we are spent! Nothing left but to go home, cook dinner, and prepare for the next day! Then the weekend comes...its errand and cleaning day, and come Sunday...get ready to do the week all over again. THE ....SAME...WAY.

I am burnt out. What about you??

So, this is one HUGE reason why I wanted to do The Maker's Diet. Because it literally has you schedule in a "fun" work, nothing but enjoying life as it is meant to be!.... But not an easy task! Especially for type A personalities such as myself who wants to get stuff done! (argh...) Focus, focus....

But alas, this weekend will be my attempt at doing so. Good thing it's the Easter weekend, and I am forced to get out of the house and spend time celebrating with some family.

And God is so cool, I tell ya... A good friend of mine texted me the other day and asked if I wanted to start Zumba classes this Saturday....BINGO! Right on time :) I am thrilled to do something new AND it's dance! Rock on! I am so ready!

Well, tomorrow is my "partial fast" day. Which means no breakfast, no lunch. Prayers please! haha...No really. PRAY! Good thing is that I can juice veggies and drink that all day until I get home for dinner. (Hello, Perfect Food Berry! Makes my life easier to juice at work, powder form, what's up!) I am excited about it though. Fasting gives your body a chance to repair and heal. And I am ALL for that.

Till the next update...

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  --Philippians 3:14

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