Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cure or The Band-Aid?

The real problem begins with believing that how we FEEL is a good measure of how healthy we are. 

Think about this for a minute, really think about it. The next time you wake up in the morning feeling not too hot, with a fever or a runny nose, or you vomit, think about why. Next time you have a headache, think about the cause. And the very next time someone passes away because of cancer or has a "sudden" heart attack, think about how they were feeling 2 or 3 years ago. 

Your body is extremely intelligent.

Fevers are a very important immune function. They are a safe way that the body can kill viruses or bacteria that have attacked your health. To take aspirin to lower this function is to allow an infection a better chance to attack your body!

A runny nose is just merely a defense from allergens, bacteria, and viruses outside the body. Mucus keeps these things from entering your lungs. To take an antihistamine is to rob the body of its defense system, lowering your immunity, and allows viruses, bacteria and allergens a great chance to enter your body!

Vomiting allows your body to rid itself of contents which are harmful, and would do more damage to you if digested further. Your internal protection! 

Just 3 examples of feeling horrible despite a healthy reaction!

Headaches are not due to a lack of a Tylenol deficiency in our body. Sometimes it is because you are dehydrated! Drink water! And other headaches can be from low blood sugar, or withdrawal from caffeine or subluxation ( in other words, your spine ain't right!) 

Fix the problem, not the symptom! Your body tells you when you are doing something wrong!

5 out of 6 people will die from Heart Disease or a form of Cancer. These are diseases that rarely exhibit symptoms until it is too late. Meaning, the disease grows within us while we are "feeling fine" for years before the symptoms start to make themselves known.

Health is not something you are given or that just happens, you have to earn it. Just because you feel great doesn't mean you are healthy! 
Just because you feel bad doesn't mean you need a drug!
Give your body a chance to heal itself.
It is very intelligent and with a great diet, it has everything it needs.
Choose health, choose the cure.

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