Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why I Do What I Do

I remember when I first started my health journey back when I was in high school. It's like the moment news gets around in your family that you are on a diet, all the judgements, side glances and of course, jokes upon jokes come rearing their ugly head at you.

It's not become easier for me to say the least.

When you tell people you are in the health field...suddenly everything you do is under scrutiny. Your life gets put under a magnifying glass. You can't even glance at a cupcake without hearing gasps all around you! (Yes, us Nutrition people are in fact...HUMAN.)

While I've learned to take the teasing, jokes and judgements easier these days. (Frankly, I find it amusing now...) I find it a challenge to really help people understand why health, nutrition and wellness are so crucial especially in this day in age where fast food is becoming an ever growing industry and healthy food is being compromised by pesticides, drugs and fake substitutions.

So, why do I do what I do??

  • To be my best so I can do my best for the purposes of what I am here in this life to do.  When I workout consistently, eat clean, get sleep & rest, laugh and love others...guess what? That's when I feel my BEST.
  • I want to be able to help others be their best. Plain and simple.
  • I want to give my children the best life possible. And they won't get that if I am not taking the time to be intentional about my health now.
  • I want to be around to see my kids have kids. I don't want to be in a rocking chair watching them run around. I aim to be right there with them, chasing butterflies and riding roller coasters!
  • I want to be the best girlfriend, daughter, sister, friend, granddaughter, niece & employee for the people in my life.
  • I want people to be happy. I know when I went through all my life's struggles, I couldn't help but notice the correlation between my poor health and the state of my mentality. They honestly go hand in hand. 
  • I want to simply enjoy life to the fullest! A poor diet affects EVERYTHING. From brain function/mood, joints, mind clarity, sex, mobility, sleep, stress responses, digestion... should I go on?

This list can go on and on, but my point here is simply to ask you this...

What's holding you back from achieving your optimal health? Any excuse that comes to mind pair it with something or someone that is SUPER important to you.

Sometimes we forget that health is more than just looking good. Health is your family. They need you. We all need each other.

 In closing, think about this...

You wouldn't want to get any less then the best service when you go out to eat a restaurant, right? Well, that person can't give you their best smile, full attention, energy and focus when behind the scenes they are suffering from a poor diet, next to no exercise and extreme lack of sleep...on top of all those medications for the myriads of random ailments.

Same goes for the supermarket cashier, the car salesman, the matter what your profession, you can't be your best if you don't understand the importance of your health...and do something, anything, about it TODAY.

It really goes beyond eating carrot sticks and lettuce ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cure or The Band-Aid?

The real problem begins with believing that how we FEEL is a good measure of how healthy we are. 

Think about this for a minute, really think about it. The next time you wake up in the morning feeling not too hot, with a fever or a runny nose, or you vomit, think about why. Next time you have a headache, think about the cause. And the very next time someone passes away because of cancer or has a "sudden" heart attack, think about how they were feeling 2 or 3 years ago. 

Your body is extremely intelligent.

Fevers are a very important immune function. They are a safe way that the body can kill viruses or bacteria that have attacked your health. To take aspirin to lower this function is to allow an infection a better chance to attack your body!

A runny nose is just merely a defense from allergens, bacteria, and viruses outside the body. Mucus keeps these things from entering your lungs. To take an antihistamine is to rob the body of its defense system, lowering your immunity, and allows viruses, bacteria and allergens a great chance to enter your body!

Vomiting allows your body to rid itself of contents which are harmful, and would do more damage to you if digested further. Your internal protection! 

Just 3 examples of feeling horrible despite a healthy reaction!

Headaches are not due to a lack of a Tylenol deficiency in our body. Sometimes it is because you are dehydrated! Drink water! And other headaches can be from low blood sugar, or withdrawal from caffeine or subluxation ( in other words, your spine ain't right!) 

Fix the problem, not the symptom! Your body tells you when you are doing something wrong!

5 out of 6 people will die from Heart Disease or a form of Cancer. These are diseases that rarely exhibit symptoms until it is too late. Meaning, the disease grows within us while we are "feeling fine" for years before the symptoms start to make themselves known.

Health is not something you are given or that just happens, you have to earn it. Just because you feel great doesn't mean you are healthy! 
Just because you feel bad doesn't mean you need a drug!
Give your body a chance to heal itself.
It is very intelligent and with a great diet, it has everything it needs.
Choose health, choose the cure.