Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just Start


This is what my life has been about this year, it feels like. I make no apologies and take full responsibility but I believe that ultimately...things do happen for a reason.

I believe seasons in life (be it loss of beloved pets, re-occurring bad habits, or just being fed up and utterly bored with life so you resort to watching all 7 seasons of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix to ignore that life is going on without you whether you like it or not...)

Whatever it is that happens to us in these rather dark times, I believe it shapes you to be the person you need to be...for the next season.
(Even if at the current time I feel as though "Failure" should be my middle name instead of Christine, but I don't think my mom would agree to that name change.)

So, now what?

I come crawling back to God and humble myself and say, "I give up...what's your plans? Because mine suck."

Only wisdom I can conjure up is... Just start.

Because I can't get back yesterday. I can't keep regretting decisions that have already been decided. And I certainly can't stay where I am at...

I choose to ignore the big part of me that's always wanting to do "all or nothing". Been down that road... So today I am just going to start doing what I can with what I can.

That simple? Yes. Easy to do? No.

But completely worth it in the long run.

What do you need to just start? Going for a 10 minute walk? Not eating late at night? Emailing someone just to say your thinking of them? Maybe you just need to start with forgiving yourself...

Think about it.

*Pic credit to Baqmar